Find Support, Encouragement and Connection in a Mastermind for Moms
A mastermind designed just for moms
Find Support, Encouragement and Connection with other moms.
Have you ever noticed it is so much easier to solve someone else’s problems than your own? Taking a step away from the challenge and seeing it through eyes that are not caught up in the emotion of the situation enables a person to give support and ideas that you may have not been able to see. A mastermind for moms is a great solution for those of us who want support from others, to have someone listen to us and to find people who are like minded that we can connect with.
This is the crux of a mastermind.
A mastermind is typically geared for business people. They meet regularly, share ideas, support each other and form a connection through a common goal.
What is a mom mastermind?
A mastermind for moms works the same way as a business mastermind does. You meet regularly and look for a positive way to overcome challenges or achieve goals you are facing. The commonality for this group is you are all moms, regardless of your set of circumstances, you all want to be the best mom you can.
How is a mastermind different from a group?
The key to a mastermind that makes it much different from a group of moms, is you are looking for positivity. Your mastermind buddies are trying to help you overcome or achieve in a positive way. You are not wasting your time complaining, you are looking for action steps to move forward.
What are the benefits to a mom’s mastermind?
- You will have a space that is all yours.
- You can present your goal with no judgement.
- Then you can ask the group for ideas on how to create an action plan for that goal.
An example of a great topic in a mom’s mastermind is:
I feel like I work all day, but when my partner comes home he wants me to do all of the work in the evenings like bedtime routine and dinner; I am starting to feel resentful and want to find a way to ease this situation.
The key with a mastermind is this is not a mom who is just venting about her frustrations about an unequal sharing of parenting and household duties. This mom explains her situation and then tells the group the goal. It is the goal that makes a mastermind work. You are all working for a good outcome, not to get other moms on your “side” and be able to complain. Venting is great with your friends and you need this. Creating a plan to overcome the issue moves you toward a more positive outlook, a feeling of empowerment and a desire to make your life better.
It sounds like work, why should I join a mastermind for moms?
Honestly, a mastermind is not for everyone. There are some people who are simply stuck. They seem to be more comfortable in their rut, they just want to tell others how bad their situation is. These people are not good for masterminds; they bring others down. Have you ever noticed when one person starts complaining about their mother, partner, kids, etc. you find ways to commiserate?
A mastermind is work. However, if you are an action oriented person and want to turn your obstacles into achievable goals, it is perfect for you. I have been in a mastermind since 2017 and I am addicted to the brainstorming, camaraderie and encouragement I get from my mastermind buddies. We took 3 weeks off from our sessions this June and all of us have been on our Slack channel tossing out ideas we want feedback on, great articles we have found and “Hey, I miss our time together.”
What do I have to do in a mastermind for moms?
Support: You need to be supportive of others. You will not always agree with them, but a mastermind is not a place to bring up political issues or personal preferences. Vaccines for example, what if one mom’s goal is to try to determine the best way to protect her child and she wants to find research articles that talk about childhood immunizations so she can get the facts before she makes a decision. Your job would be to support her on this journey. You can help with articles, but you want to find ones that have both sides.
Listen: often we need to present the goal we have and while we are verbalizing it, we realize the underlying cause or place we need to start is somewhere else. As a mastermind support buddy, you would listen and encourage the others in your group. You can help establish actionable goals from the obstacle the other mom is facing.
Be there: it is really important to always show up. Our group meets weekly for an hour and a half. It is really difficult to get a wide variety of ideas and feedback if only two of us are there. Make your mastermind group a priority on your schedule and be there.

What kinds of masterminds groups are there?
Masterminds can be found on the internet and often locally. Very few are catered to moms; I did not find any that truly worked as masterminds and not coaching. I have a mastermind for moms Facebook Group: Moms Connect & Simplify. This group is for moms who are not ready for a full commitment of a small mastermind group, but want to get started.
- Weekly check-ins, what happened this last week that was great?
- What are you working on this week? How can the group support you?
- How did you do with what you were working on? This is accountability.
- Group brainstorm: present your goal and have others help you with actions.
- Monthly Connect via Zoom
- Monthly “Get something done” where we work on our own projects, but do it together.
Once a quarter, we work on a big project together. Usually this has a small fee; to start the group, the first one is free! This one begins Wednesday, August 31. We will be putting together a 60 day meal plan to launch us into the new year.
Check the calendar for different group topics and when they start.
Another kind of mastermind is a large group of people that listen to a coach or professional about specific topics. You are often given “homework” to work towards the goals created around those specific topics. This type also does not require a lot work on your part, however, they often cost money.
The best kind of mastermind is a small group, about four or five, that meets weekly. This is also the one that will require the most commitment and work from you. This is also the one that you will see the greatest rewards. It is in these smaller groups that you will more easily build connections.
If you are interested in starting your own mastermind or learning about how to join and participate in one, I created a quick and easy course just for you!
Mommy Mastermind: How to create, join and contribute in a mommy mastermind
- What is a mastermind?
- What is the structure of a meeting?
- How do you run a meeting?
- Why use SMART goals?
- How to start a mommy mastermind.
- What can you do today?
- You want to join, not create a mastermind.
- What if you are not ready, what can you do to start moving forward?
A mastermind for moms fulfills a need many of us have. We want support from others, to have someone listen to us and to find people who are like minded that we can connect with. While a mastermind takes more work than “just a mom’s group,” it also reaps great rewards. Remember all of the things you are doing for others, they are doing for you as well. Other moms are supporting, listening and are regularly there for you.